The Testimony of
U. of Pa. Lab No.
Age calc. with 5568 half-life
Age calc. with 5730 half-life
Wood from coffin of Tutankhamen, 18th Dynasty
1030 ± 50 B.C.
1120 ± 52 B.C.
The carbon age of the wood from the tomb of Tutankhamen was found to
be about 300 years younger than the accepted date of the death of this
kingmore exactly, 320 years according to Libby’s figure for the
half-life of radiocarbon, or 230 years following the Washington scale
(5730 half-life).
Statements had repeatedly been madeand some of them were quoted on previous pagesthat the method cannot be profitably applied to the problems of Egyptian chronology of the New Kingdom because the uncertainty of the method far exceeds the uncertainty of the dates. These statements were shown to be baseless: the method with a fifty-year uncertainty exposed an error of several hundred years in Egyptian chronology. Obviously the lumber used in the tomb could not have been growing as a tree three hundred years later.
But I was not completely satisfied with the result, and I suspected where the additional two hundred years or so may have lain hidden. In my reconstruction, Tutankhamens death falls in the second half of the ninth century. In a letter to Dr. Ralph I inquired whether the carbon age of a trunk discloses the time when the tree was felled or the time of the formation of the tree rings. To this, on March 5, 1964, a week after her first report, Dr. Ralph answered that the latter was true.
Among many archaeologists this fact is not known, and an Orientalist of the stature of W. F. Albright, to whom I showed the reports of Dr. Ralph, expressed great amazement over it.(8)Various tests have indicated that only the outer growth ring of a tree has a contemporaneous amount of C-14, that is, it is in equilibrium with the atmospheric C-14. Except for a slight diffusion of sap inward, which seems to be insignificant, the inner rings seem to have C-14 ages representative of the years that have elapsed since they were outer rings. Therefore, a C-14 date for a sample cut from the inner part of a log would not be representative of the time of the cutting of the tree.
The magnitude of the error varies greatly in different regions and with different trees.
The three pieces of wood from the tomb of Tutankhamen consisted of Spina Christi (two pieces, aggregate weight 14.5 grams) and Cedar of Lebanon (weight 11.5 grams); since they together weighed but 26 grams, and 25 grams is considered the necessary minimum quantity for a test, all were tested as one batch. Spina Christi is a comparatively short-lived thorn plant; but Cedar of Lebanon is one of the longest living trees. There is no question that the Cedar of Lebanon was not cut for export as a sapling; the tree reaches the venerable age of a thousand and more years. Whoever visits the cedar forests still surviving in a few areas of Lebanon at elevations of five to nine thousand feet, and sees their majestic trunks and branches, will realize that since 43 percent of the wood from the tomb of Tutankhamen tested (11 grams out of 26) was Cedar of Lebanon, the probability is that an additional correction of several hundred years is necessary, thus making the discord between the accepted and the carbon dates much greater than three hundred years.
The report on wood from Tutankhamen’s tomb was printed in 1965 in the annual volume of Radiocarbon. The circumstances of the find of this tomb are well known. In 1922 Howard Carter, digging in the Valley of the Kings, came upon a hidden stairway, and a door sealed with the seal of the priests of the Necropolis and also with the seal of the dead pharaoh, the youthful Tutankhamen. In my Oedipus and Akhnaton I presented a reconstruction of the events that led to Tutankhamen’s death. If the tomb was ever opened, it could only have happened in the reign of Ay, who succeeded Tutankhamen and whom I identified as the prototype of Creon of the Greek legend of the Oedipus cycle. The tomb was also free from percolating water and therefore there was no reason to suspect contamination by water which might have first seeped through some decomposed organic material. There could not be a better source for radiocarbon test but that material itself.
Several other tests on wood from the New Kingdom in Egypt, also performed
in the laboratory headed by Dr. Ralph, were published in the same volume.
The specimens from the New Kingdom were assessed by their finders or by
specialists as dating from the Eighteenth (or in one case possibly from
the Nineteenth) Dynasty:
Sample no. & material |
conventional date
C-14 date
P-717 Charcoal |
estimated to be of Thutmoses III to Amenophis III
1500 to 1370 B.C.
1161 B.C. |
P-718 Charcoal
reign of Amenophis III
1408 to 1372 B.C.
1137 B.C. |
P-720 Wood from sarcophagus
may date from end of 18th Dynasty or, more likely,
from the 19th Dynasty
1370 to 1314 B.C. or
1314 to 1200 B.C. |
1031 B.C.
In all cases the age arrived at by radiocarbon testing was several centuries younger than the conventional chronology would allow.
In view of what was said above concerning the radiocarbon age of a piece of wood, any wood unless it is an annual plant would deceive by offering a greater antiquity than the date of its use for building purposes. Clearly, the preferred material for radiocarbon dating would be something like grain, papyrus, cotton or linen, animal hide, or mummy remains. Any result obtained from wood contains an x number of years that depend on the number of rings and their count from the bark inward—and this x must not be neglected in the estimates. Evidently further testing is necessary and the tomb of Tutankhamen could provide grain, dried flowers (probably not enough for a test), or a piece of mummy, if only the importance of such a test for the entire field of Egyptian archaeology would be realized.
In 1971, or seven years later, the British Museum processed palm kernels and mat reed from the tomb of Tutankhamen. The resulting dates, as Dr. Edwards, Curator of the Egyptian Department of the British Museum, wrote to the University of Pennsylvania radiocarbon laboratory, were -899 for the palm kernels and -846 for the mat reed.(9)
These results, however, were never published.
Such cases make me appeal that all tests, irrespective of how much the results disagree with the accepted chronological data, should be made public. I believe also that if nothing else, the curiosity of the British Museum Laboratory officials should have induced them to ask for additional material from the Tutankhamen tomb instead of discontinuing the quest because “On the basis of the dating it was decided that the samples did not come from the tomb” and therefore it “was decided that the results should not be published.”(10)
In the Proceedings of the Symposium on Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology held at Uppsala in 1969, T. Säve-Söderbergh and I. U. Olsson introduce their report with these words:
C 14 dating was being discussed at a symposium on the prehistory of the Nile Valley. A famous American colleague, Professor Brew, briefly summarized a common attitude among archaeologists towards it, as follows: “If a C 14 date supports our theories, we put it in the main text. If it does not entirely contradict them, we put it in a footnote. And if it is completely out of date we just drop it.” Few archaeologists who have concerned themselves with absolute chronology are innocent of having sometimes applied this method. . .(11)
Another way of dulling the sharp disagreements between the accepted chronology and the results of the tests is described by Israel Isaacson.(12)
In this case nothing was purposely hidden, but two different approaches were applied. In one and the same year the University of Pennsylvania tested wood from a royal tomb in Gordion, capital of the short-lived Phrygian Kingdom in Asia Minor, and from the palace of Nestor in Pylos, in S.W. Greece. In Gordion the result was -1100; in Pylos -1200. However, according to the accepted chronology, the difference should have been nearly 500 years—1200 for Pylos at the end of the Mycenaean age was well acceptable, but -1100 for Gordion was not—the date should have been closer to -700. Dr. Ralph came up with the solution for Gordion. The beams from the tomb were squared and the inner rings could easily have been four to five hundred years old when the tree was felled. But in Pylos the description of the tested wood indicates that these were also squared beams—yet the corrective was not applied—this because -1200 was the anticipated figure. However, as I try to show in detail, there were never five centuries of Dark Age between the Mycenaean Age and the historical (Ionic) Age of Greece. If the same correction had been applied to both cases, then since the Gordion beams were dated to -700, the Pylos beams should be dated to ca. -800.
As mentioned earlier, the fact that the Middle Kingdom dates were regularly found to be too young by several centuries caused the surmise by Damon and Long that the influx of cosmic rays changed four thousand years ago or thereabouts.
Now the question arises—how can the radiocarbon method be used for deciding between the conventional and the revised chronologies?(13)
Libby, in his Radiocarbon Dating, stressed that the method is good only on the condition that the influx of cosmic rays has not changed during the last 25 or 30 thousand years, and also that the quantity of water in the oceans has not changed in the same period of time. In a sequel volume to Worlds in Collision I intend to show that the Earth passed through a period of intense bombardment by cosmic rays at the time of the Deluge. Libby’s insight, by the very fact of stressing these preconditions for the validity of the method, is amazing.
The great catastrophe in the middle of the second millennium that terminated the Middle Kingdom must also have disrupted all processes that underlie the carbon dating method. On the one hand much radioactivity and radiation must have been engendered as the consequence of interplanetary discharges, and thus any organic material of a date after the catastrophe would appear disproportionately younger than the material from earlier periods. On the other hand, the general conflagration that accompanied the cosmic catastrophe must have caused contamination of the air by carbon from burning forests, and even more so by burning fossil carbon in oil and coal, besides the contamination of the air by the products of volcanic eruptions, which were simultaneous on all continents. Such intrusion of non-radioactive carbon into the atmosphere would have disturbed the C-12/C-14 balance in the sense of making any organic material that grew and lived after the catastrophe appear in the carbon test as older and belonging to an earlier age.
Thus two phenomena of opposite effect have acted in the catastrophes, and depending on the preponderance of one of the two factors, the objects subjected to test would appear younger or older than their real age. Furthermore, carbon of extraterrestrial origin (ash and polymerized hydrocarbons) added a third factor, and its evaluation in the carbon pool as to its tendency to heighten or lower the radioactivity is hardly possible.
In the eighth century and the beginning of the seventh century before the present era, the last series of cosmic catastrophes took place. Although not of the same ferocity as far as the Earth was concerned, these catastrophes and conflagrations must also have left their imprints on everything organic.
Thus radiocarbon dating needs to take into consideration the catastrophic changes in historical and also prehistorical times. To determine the extent of correction necessary to render the radiocarbon method reliable, dendrochronologists, notably Suess, devised a plan to control the radiocarbon dates by building a chronology of tree rings of the white bristlecone pine. However, three or four rings formed in one year is not uncommon, especially if the tree grows on a slope with the ground several times a year turning wet and dry because of rapid outflow of water.(14)
And certainly the building of tree “ladders,” or carrying on the count from one tree to another may arouse erroneous conclusions. One and the same year may be dry in Southern California and wet in the northern half of the state.(15)
Moreover, as R. D. Long writes in a comprehensive review of dendrochronology, the Suess tree ring calibration curve data “proposed as the solution for correcting conventional radiocarbon ages cannot be applied to Egypt. As will be demonstrated, physical geographical location has crucial meaning to C 14 dating and calibration.” This, he claims, “demolishes the theory on which the Suess curve rested.”(16)
Then how can the radiocarbon method contribute to the clarification of Egyptian chronology, especially in the age of the New Kingdom?
The answer to this is that the method can be objectively and profitably used for the purpose of finding out whether the conventional or the revised scheme is the true one, and there are two ways of making the test work for this purpose. The first way is in comparative dating: according to my reconstruction, the Eighteenth Dynasty (the first of the New Kingdom) was contemporaneous with the dynasty of Saul and David; Akhnaton and Tutankhamen were contemporaneous with Jehosphaphat of Jerusalem and Ahab of Samaria, and with Shalmaneser II of Assyria, all of the ninth century before the present era. Organic material of Egypt presumably of the fourteenth century (the time the conventional chronology assigns to Akhnaton and Tutankhamen) should be compared with organic material from ninth century Israel or Assyria. I expect that the carbon analysis will certify the contemporaneity of these periods in Egyptian history on the one hand, and Judean and Assyrian history on the other.
The other way of using radiocarbon dating to test the correctness of the reconstruction of ancient history is in testing organic material from a period removed by several centuries from the last cosmic catastrophe. A choice case would be Ramses III and the Twentieth Dynasty in general. As I show in Peoples of the Sea, Ramses III of the historians is but Nectanebo I, who occupied the Egyptian throne in the first half of the fourth century and who warred with Artaxerxes II, the Persian.
According to the accepted chronology, Ramses III started to reign in -1200 or a few years thereafter. The UCLA Egyptologist who claimed that no carbon test is needed for dating the New Kingdom used Ramses III as an example:
The differnce between the conventional dates and the timetable of the revised chronology reaches here an almost grotesque figure of 800 years. The fourth century is by three centuries removed from the last cataclysm that, according to the evidence cited in Worlds in Collision, took place on March 23, -687. Therefore there need be no apprehension as to the possible effect of natural events on the carbon content of the living material of the fourth century, with the exception of the inner rings of trees that in the fourth century before the present era may already have been three or more centuries old. Generally, not trees but short lived plants, such as linen, papyrus, grain, and also hide and mummies, should be used for radiocarbon tests for archaeological purposes.. . . Since the chronology of ancient Egypt is quite closely fixed by astronomical evidence . . . radiocarbon, with its substantial margin of error, could hardly add anything to our knowledge of the chronology of the New Kingdom. Hayes, The Scepter of Egypt, Vol. II, dates Ramses III to 1192-1160 B.C., and this date is not likely to contain a margin of error greater than about five years each way.
Since the problem to solve is whether Ramses III lived almost 32 or less than 24 centuries ago, the difference being so great as to exceed 25 percent (33 percent if counted on 24 centuries), the radiocarbon method, with its margin of uncertainty of less than 50 years, must provide an unambiguous answer in the contest for the title of the true history.
In a number of letters directed to various persons and institutions, I have asked for such tests. Again—as before the testing of the wood from the tomb of Tutankhamen—I found resistance; some famous collections of Egyptological antiquities disclaimed possessing any organic material (wood, swathings, hide, seeds, papyrus) that could be sacrificed or even the very possession of such material dating from the Nineteenth, Twentieth, or Twenty-first dynasties. In one case I was offered one gram of linen whereas one ounce (ca. 30 grams) are needed for one single test.
Since the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago spent decades on excavating and describing the palace temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu, my request went also that way; but the answer I received from Professor John Wilson was not promising. Thus I decided to publish Peoples of the Sea, after much postponement, and let the readers of that volume clamor for the performance of radiocarbon tests for the solution of the problem—which of the two conflicting histories of the ancient world is spurious and which is genuine?
[Dr. John Iles of Ontario, actually did succeed in one such an endeavor. In 1977 N. B. Millet, curator of the Egyptian Department of the Royal Ontario Museum, described the historical background of the mummy of Nakht, which the Canadian Medical Association was analyzing. According to Millet Nakht was “invariably described as the weaver of the kny temple” of King Setnakht, the first ruler of the Twentieth Dynasty and father of Ramses III. Millet wrote about Nakht’s mummy that there was “unusually clear evidence of its date.”(17)
Upon reading the report, Dr. Iles wrote a letter to the Canadian Medical Association’s Journal, asking that a Carbon 14 test be performed.(18)
The death of King Setnakht, the first ruler of the Twentieth Dynasty, is conventionally dated at -1198.
On Dr. Iles’ initiative, the Royal Ontario Museum submitted linen wrappings from the mummy of Nakht to Dalhousie University for radiocarbon testing. On November 9, 1979, W. C. Hart of Dalhousie University wrote to Dr. Iles: “The date on linen wrappings from the mummy of Nakht is: DAL-350 2295 ± 75 years before the present (1950),” meaning -345 ± 75. Dr. Iles reported these results in a letter to the association’s journal. (March 8, 1980).
The radiocarbon date for this well-documented
sample,(19) -345 ± 75
corresponds almost precisely with the revised date for Ramses III but
differs from the conventional date by ca. 800 years.—JNS]
See I. Velikovsky, “The Pitfalls
of Radiocarbon Dating.” For this and other letters, see the exchange of
letters entitled “ASH.”
The following laboratories participated in the tests:
British Museum, Groningen, Uppsala, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Rome, Louvain,
Saclay, Sharp Labs., Tata Inst. Published in Radiocarbon 1965. See Damon, P. E., A. Long, and D. C. Grey, “Fluctuations
of Atmospheric C 14 during the last six millennia, Journal of Geophysical
Research, 71 (1966), 1059. Other geophysicists agreed with Libby that the problem
resided with historical chronology. Dr. Edwards to Dr. Michael, Museum of the University
of Pennsylvania (April 6, 1971). See the exchange of letters entitled
“ASH”. From a letter of G. B. Morris, Secretary, the British
Museum to Dr. Iles. See the exchange of letters entitled “ASH.”
“Carbon 14 Dates and Velikovsky’s Revision of Ancient
History,” Pensée IVR IV (1973), 26-32. See also I. Velikovsky, “The
Pitfalls of Radiocarbon Dating,” Pensée IVR IV (1973), 12ff. Glück, et al., Botanical Review,
7, 649-713; and 21, 245-365. See also H. C. Sorensen, “The Ages of Bristlecone
Pine,” Pensée IVR VI (1973), 15-18. R. D. Long, “Ancient Egyptian Chronology,”
Zeitschrift für Aegyptische Sprache 103 (1976), 31, 33. [N. B. Millet, Canadian
Medical Association Journal September 3, 1977]. [Millet wrote that
there is a good account of its discovery and excavation.”]