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October 6, 1957

Dear Dr. Federn:

     I certainly owe you a letter: I have lost the track of my last writing to you, and it is quite possible that for the last time I worte you from Vitznau. Prof. Schaeffer and I became friends and impressed both by the fact of identical conclusions arrived on different material—concerning the catastrophes, their times, and their number, we agreed to write a work: World wide catastrophes in historical times.” Yet he wished that under this title we should write two separate volumes; possibly in order not to identify himself completely with my other theories. I have offered the plan to Doubleday and my editor there answered that they are rather enthusiastic about the plan, but would we not agree on one volume? After Switzerland my wife and myself sepnt two and a half weeks in Italy (Milan, where my publisher Garzanti is, Venezia, Florence, Pisa, and Rome), and then we spent four days in Greece and met again Schaeffer; I told him of Doubleday’s answer and asked him to think it over. He took me to the cemetery where Schliemann is entombed and put some flowers on his grave; he felt that much unjustice was and still is made to Schliemann. He took with him the page proofs of “Ages” vol. 2 and presently he is on Cyprus. I will contact him soon. He is open-minded toward the revision; and he would agree to help me in every way, but a little brake is his wife, a very ambitious person, that would not like to jeopardize his carriere. Now over two weeks we are in Israel; impressions are many. I was asked to lecture before a large audience, but was unwell, and so the lecture was postponed. I have here quite a following; yet the official science is as everywhere else. So when I came to visit the excavations at Hazor in Galilee, the archaeologists hided themselves, although my visit was announced in advance by a follower of mine, who also accompanied us. Also the geologists in Jerusalem declined to meet me, but the philosophers asked me to talk to them.

     I would like to know a little of what is happening with you. I intend to write to Doubleday and ask them to undertake some steps in order to have a German offer for “Ages”. Presently List in Leipzig and Munich prepares a German version of “Earth in Upheaval” and has the option rights for “Ages”. I asked Europa Verlag to revoke the license from Kohlhammer for “Worlds”; they intend to offer it to Ullstein as a pocket edition. – My wife joins me in sending ou the warmest greetings. We intend to return in November, with God’s help [...].

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