By nameBy date

April 10, 1960

Mrs. Frank E. Siple
and Mrs. Thomas Palmer
Grand Rapids, Mich.

Dear Mrs. Siple and Mrs. Palmer:

In the yesterday NY Herald Tribune I have read of the passing of the Rev. Frank L. Siple. I never before read of this case. I find that your husband and father suffered unjustly and, whether he was instrumental or not in the death of his retarded and for life unfit daughter, the law and the judges were inhuman to add to his sufferings the agony of 14 years in prison. Feel, at least, that there are many, like myself, who think of your husband and other like him, with great emotion and great compassion. Even if there was a mercy killing, it could not be performed but in great love to the born in human body but without human facilities to exist and enjoy life, and in unimaginable sufferings of a father loving his child but aware that it cannot go through life happy and free. But, I know, the very guilt is not proven in this case. I suffer thinking of the Reverend Prank Siple and I am ashamed for our human society.

Very cordially
Immanuel Velikovsky