Dear Dr. Federn:
I believe to have an additional argument for the identity of Tiresias: You have written me that the young Amenhotep son of Hapu left a portrait on which he looks like a young woman. The Greek legend has Tiresias as transformed to a woman for having killed a female snake, and then blinded when he gave an answer unpleasant to Hera.
During the last three weeks several questions came to my mind, and here are some of them, which I remember:
1. Nuzu was contemporaneous with el-Amarna period in Egypt. According to my reconstruction I would expect that some relics referring to Shalmanessar III would be found there (in Nuzu). If found, they must have been related by archaeologists to a later time. But were such relics found?
2. The raids of Assurbanipal in Egypt must have taken place in the beginning of the 19th Dynasty (and at the end of the Ethiopian regime there). The question: Whether there is any association in the days of Seti and before, to Nineve, Assyria, Shalmanassar, or something of the kind?
3. I still do not know what does it mean: “Cippi of Horus”? And where anything about this can be read?
4. “Agamemnon’s grave” was denied to have been the grave of that king because it was ascribed to an earlier age, I believe the fourteenth century. This probably because of some relation with the Amarna or Thebes o Amenhotep III and Akhnaton. The Trojan War having taken place in the early days of the Libyan Dynasty (the Epigoni) the tomb at Mycenae still could be that of Agamemnon. However, I have not yet read the account of that digging.
I do not add questions because there are many from before. I have not written to you thinking that I would be able to refer to your letter, but it will be probably today or tomorrow that it will arrive. So I do not postpone anymore.
You should not feel depressed. It seems that a very interesting time is nearby. I progress with Oedipus book. As soon as I have rewritten the opening chapter of Ages II (Ramses III), I have the feeling that you will subscribe also to this part of my reconstruction. It is also a pleasure to go hunting through the reports of various excavations and to find their difficulties, always a boon for the new chronology.
I think that the monotonous nourishment that you subject yourself to, may enfeeble your nervous system: it may mean the omission of important vitamins or other substances in your daily diet. Do you know what a blender is?
Warm regards from Elisheva. Next time she will show you how to prepare some nourishing foods or drinks.
Cordially yours,
Im. Velikovsky