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57 Francis Avenue
Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
November 16, 1950

Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky
New York City

Dear Dr. Velikovsky:

Thank you for your kind letter of the 10th.

May I congratulate you over the marvelous success of your book, WORLDS IN COLLISION? It is indeed a great honor and satisfaction for you to have it translated, in various languages, but the wider it circulates the more you will be kept busy in discussing your conclusions with many reviewers and letter writers.

I am happy to hear that your second volume, AGES IN CHAOS will be published, at last in 1951. Since you ask my opinion, I shall say that I would prefer to see the book appear in a single volume, since it deals with a single topic and does not readily make it possible for readers to buy only one of the two proposed volumes. Since both must be bought, it will obviously cost more if the book appears in two volumes. A charge of $6.00 for so large a volume would be very reasonable and $7.50 would not be excessive. I have noted that of late a number of volumes are sold at $15.00.

You are free to let your publishers use anything I have said about your books in my letters to you, if they wish to print such statements of mine.

With all my good wishes for success in increasing measure and with my kindest regards,

Yours faithfully,

(signed) Robert H. Pfeiffer

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